The morning after Ron Paul sent out his letter to his constituents saying, that although his campaign estimates they will take 20% of the delegates at the convention (shattering the establishments predictions) that his delegate count will, “not (be) enough to win the nomination, it puts us in a tremendous position to grow our movement and shape the future of the GOP!” and they day that Rand Paul stepped foreward and endorced Mitt Romney for president I got another, “2012 PRESIDENTIAL PLATFORM SURVEY” from the Republican Party asking for money as many times as they asked my opinion on the Party and its leadership, I had received the same survey before and decided not to send it back because I knew they weren’t going to do anything but open it and look for a check and then throw the survey into the trash. So I figured why waiste my time, but after discussion this survey on our talk show I happened across a comment from a good friend of the program Michael Koffenbberger who said, “I always send those RNC serveys back. I don’t fill them out, but atleast, thats 45 sents less in their coffers!”
Upon considdering this interesting fact I decided I would send the survey back, and I did fill it out with a fake dollarbill in the letter with Obamneys face on the bill and on the back I wrote this short sweet and to the point letter,
To the National Republican Party at large,
I will not contribute one dime to the GOP until I see a radical shift in the Parties platform back to its conservative roots. The day the Republican Party returns to the Goldwater, Reagan era and the philosophies of limited government, maximum liberty, sound currency, non interventionism, and free market capitalism is the day I will send in monetary donations of precious metals to fill the GOP coffers. Until that day you shouldn’t hold your breath in anticipation of my vote, because I refuse to vote for a man (or woman) Republican or Democrat whose character, platform and record is marked by every quality which may define a tyrant.
In liberty,
Griffin Voorhees
PS: I recommend making these changes quickly as time is of the essence and after all I am the future of this party, and as a sovereign citizen who is the future of the party I am the only one capable of helping you achieve our ultimate goal. – Godspeed
I hope if you get on of these surveys you will highly considder doing the same if you want to see the GOP start to conform back to their conservative roots in our life time.