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Kudos to Jon Huntsman


As you all know by now, Jon Huntsman did not get our endorsement for POTUS, that claim goes to Ron Paul. And although we have discussed our disagreements with Gov. Huntsman, we have said that he is a smart individual and seems pretty honest and straight-forward, which is something to respect.

Last night at the 9/22 Florida FoxNews/Google Debate, Huntsman did a wonderful thing in confronting the war-mongering neo-con, Rick Santorum. The issue over which the confrontation took form was the one about which Santorum is most passionate – our military operations in the middle east. Specifically, the argument was over Afghanistan. Huntsman started by saying that with our weak economy we are not projecting the goodness of our country. No real disagreement from Santorum there, but then Huntsman went on to his second point saying, “after 10 years of fighting the War on Terror, people are ready to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. This country has given its all…”

Immediately, Santorum began shaking his head in disagreement. Santorum lives in a fantasy world where we can spend unlimited amounts of cash and troops lives on our adventurism, fighting wars for foreigners “freedom” from one regime or another just to have a new dictator installed after our mission is complete.

In his response, the former senator said, “Just because our economy is sick, doesn’t mean our country is sick and it doesn’t mean our values are sick and we are going to stand up for those values…to assure that our country is safe.” This is a ridiculous statement – the economy is the lifeblood of a country, when it is sick, we are sick. Of course he had to bring “values” into the discussion. What “values” have to do with it, I’m not quite sure. Is one of our “values” to “make the world safe for democracy” as the socialist-in-chief Woodrow Wilson wanted? I think not, try the Constitution Rick. There is no discussion of “values” or fighting wars for foreign countries, and those wars do not make us any safer!

Santorum finished by saying, “We should be fighting wars to win, not politics.” I challenge Rick to define “win.” We’ve been there 10 years and achieved a ton of objectives (many of which were not originally in the game plan) what is there left to do? Santorum will be happy only when we militarily protect other countries borders, arrange their elections and lay and collect taxes – HE WANTS A UNITED STATES EMPIRE! But EMPIRES ALWAYS FALL!

Wake up and smell the coffee Rick, it’s time we rejuvenate our country and start following the Constitution and the words of our founders again, and the only way to do that is to bring the troops home to their families (now there’s a “family value” I can get behind), let them spend their salaries here in the US thereby helping the economy. Have them police the USA/Mexico border to prevent illegal immigration rather than policing the border of Afghanistan/Pakistan as they are currently doing.

Gov. Huntsman completed his point by saying, “Only Pakistan can save Pakistan; only Afghanistan can save Afghanistan; I want America to save America.” Game. Set. Match.

Once again, kudos to Jon Huntsman, we don’t agree with him on everything, but as we always say, when someone does something right we will applaud them for it, even if we disagree on other issues.

Watch a video of the exchange between Huntsman and Santorum:

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